Durham, North York, Scarborough, Toronto
136 reviews
{{badges.agent_first_name}} has helped clients buy or sell in {{badges.location}}
{{badges.agent_first_name}}'s price range of homesales transactions
{{badges.agent_first_name}}'s {{badges.agent_years_of_experience_adj}} real estate experience
{{badges.agent_first_name}} is considered a pro based on {{badges.homeselling_pro_review_count}} seller reviews
{{badges.agent_first_name}} is considered a pro based on {{badges.homebuying_pro_review_count}} buyer reviews
{{badges.negotiation_guru_count}} rank {{badges.agent_first_name}} for negotiation skills
{{badges.agent_first_name}} typically responds in 30 minutes
{{badges.knowledge_expert_count}} recognize {{badges.agent_first_name}} as a local expert
60 sold 44 bought 102 total transactions
Most common words and phrases in the reviews (click to view):
"Claude helped us in so many ways - always willing to go above and beyond. He had tremendous patience with us as we learned the market. We really appreciated his knowledge."
Not only do clients say I'm knowledgeable and willing to go above and beyond, but that I'm reputable. I teach real estate courses through the University of Toronto and also have a strong reputation in the commercial real estate industry, which means I will always have an answer to your question. Born and raised in Toronto, I'm a local expert who you will feel comfortable and satisfied working with right away.