Grand Bend, London, Strathroy, St. Thomas
110 reviews
{{badges.agent_first_name}} has helped clients buy or sell in {{badges.location}}
{{badges.agent_first_name}}'s price range of homesales transactions
{{badges.agent_first_name}}'s {{badges.agent_years_of_experience_adj}} real estate experience
{{badges.agent_first_name}} is considered a pro based on {{badges.homeselling_pro_review_count}} seller reviews
{{badges.agent_first_name}} is considered a pro based on {{badges.homebuying_pro_review_count}} buyer reviews
{{badges.negotiation_guru_count}} rank {{badges.agent_first_name}} for negotiation skills
{{badges.agent_first_name}} typically responds in 30 minutes
{{badges.knowledge_expert_count}} recognize {{badges.agent_first_name}} as a local expert
320 sold 121 bought 435 total transactions
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In 2011, Devin became a licensed Realtor and immediately immersed himself in full-time labours to break into the competitive real estate market. His advanced studies fostered proficiency in design software, allowing him to generate appealing custom advertisements, feature sheets, graphics, flyers and social media content. Early in his career, Devin resourcefully sought support from experienced colleagues by routinely participating in brokerage meetings, events, and strategic partnerships. While these strategies have contributed to his current success, Devin’s longstanding values and commitment to provide exceptional customer service have yielded the greatest rewards.