Laurie Ogilvie Realtor Profile | Fivewalls

Laurie Ogilvie

{{view_count}} viewed Laurie's profile last 7 days

Brampton, Burlington, Etobicoke, Mississauga, Oakville, Toronto

55 reviews

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{{badges.location}} local experience

{{badges.total_transactions_count}} {{badges.location}} Homesales

{{badges.agent_first_name}} has helped clients buy or sell in {{badges.location}}


{{badges.agent_first_name}}'s price range of homesales transactions


{{badges.agent_first_name}}'s {{badges.agent_years_of_experience_adj}} real estate experience

Real Estate Agent Rankings

House with a signal with dollar symbol
Homeselling Pro

{{badges.agent_first_name}} is considered a pro based on {{badges.homeselling_pro_review_count}} seller reviews

House key
Homebuying Pro

{{badges.agent_first_name}} is considered a pro based on {{badges.homebuying_pro_review_count}} buyer reviews

Negotiation Guru

{{badges.negotiation_guru_count}} rank {{badges.agent_first_name}} for negotiation skills

Big stopwatch
Responds Quickly

{{badges.agent_first_name}} typically responds in 30 minutes

Knowledge Expert

{{badges.knowledge_expert_count}} recognize {{badges.agent_first_name}} as a local expert

Recent transactions

40 sold 19 bought 59 total transactions

Laurie is a transaction rockstar!
With 59 transactions, Laurie is in the top 5% of all real estate agents in the area
Laurie sells properties fast! On average Laurie completes sales 50% faster than other agents
more $
Laurie helps sellers receive more money than list price per house sold


4.96 / 5

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{{}} ({{sentiment.count}})
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{{review.rating}} / 5

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{{review.rating}} / 5

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{{saveProfileEmailSent ? "Agent's information was sent to your email" : "Get this agent's information sent to your email"}}
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{{review.rating}} / 5

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{{review.rating}} / 5

Enough about me. This story is all about you. As my client, your needs, goals, and interests are my number one priority. I am always readily available to you should you need any questions answered, and I promise to keep you well-informed throughout the entire process so no opportunity is ever missed. If you’re new to the area, no problem. I’m a local expert who can break down each neighbourhood’s perks for you. Even if you are in need of market insights or renovation questions and want to contact me, I am always happy and honored to offer my professional advice.

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