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Real estate isn't just about buying and selling property: it's about helping people like you realize the dream of owning your own home. I have been fortunate to be the consecutive #1 Top Producing Sales Representative ('04-'15) & #1 Top Team ('16/'17) at Royal Lepage Wolle Realty as well as the Top 2% of 18,000 Realtors across Royal LePage Canada Nationally for 2017. I am committed to providing the highest standards of client service available in the Kitchener-Waterloo Real Estate market today. A positive experience matters: I work hard to earn your trust, your referrals, and your repeat business for your next real estate transaction. I strive for excellence in full service client care, aiming for an enjoyable, memorable experience that turns every client into client for life.Many of my clients have dreamed about owning that perfect home for years, and being part of turning those dreams into reality is my greatest reward.