Fivewalls is a trusted company with the top real estate agents from leading brokerages. We have vetted these agents and collected their reviews in one place for you.
Best agents from top brokerages
These real estate agents in Brock - Durham, Ontario have the most reviews among sellers.
38 years in real estate
61 verified reviews
4.97 / 5 rating
0 sold 2 bought (in this area)
101 total transactions
36 years in real estate
60 verified reviews
4.97 / 5 rating
2 sold 0 bought (in this area)
56 total transactions
23 years in real estate
65 verified reviews
4.95 / 5 rating
0 sold 0 bought (in this area)
90 total transactions
19 years in real estate
86 verified reviews
5 / 5 rating
1 sold 0 bought (in this area)
160 total transactions
37 years in real estate
59 verified reviews
4.96 / 5 rating
0 sold 1 bought (in this area)
55 total transactions
24 years in real estate
32 verified reviews
5 / 5 rating
0 sold 0 bought (in this area)
81 total transactions
14 years in real estate
57 verified reviews
4.93 / 5 rating
0 sold 0 bought (in this area)
20 total transactions
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